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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 07/05/2006
JULY 5, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.  He noted the absence of Brenda Ferland who is away on vacation.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of June 21, 2006, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.  

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of June 21, 2006, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the sidewalk project on East Street was completed.  The grader is back again; it is being checked regularly and appears to be okay so will be back on the road tomorrow.   East Street Extension and Fling Road will be done first.  The grader that was borrowed from the Town of Acworth will be returned on Friday.  Keith Weed requested permission to sign a lease for an excavator for a few months; the monthly rental rate is $3,600.  Jon LeClair and Steve Neill approved this request.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette advised that they found the leak on South Main Street after there was a complaint of poor water pressure; it was in a 2” black plastic line that runs underneath the railroad tracks.  It gave them an opportunity to look around that area so now they know more about the line, as there were no previous documented plans.  Down below on South Main Street and Almar Street there is still low pressure; a property owner on Almar Street wants to put in another home but another service on that line will make the pressure even worse, therefore a decision will need to be made on whether or not to allow that to move forward.  The new pumps for Summit Hill are here.  Contrary to the recent letter form the State, the lab results for North Charlestown were sent in by certified mail; he hopes to get a letter back from the State confirming that the violations imposed by the State were erroneous.  The toxicity tests on the treatment plant were done and they passed again for the sixth year in a row on both the plant and river.  He applied for a waiver from the State to do it once a year instead of twice a year.  The treatment plant has been running about three weeks per month instead of two weeks due to all the rain so it is more costly to operate.  They will be doing a new sewer connection on the Old Claremont Road next week.  Keith Weed expressed concern that the foundation drains at new residence in question would discharge water very close to the road; he requested that the Building Inspector check it.  Clay Brook well got hit by lightning again; an insurance claim will be filed.  Dave Duquette is working on a plan to by-pass the building as it is a huge target with the water tank sitting next to it but this will need State approval.  

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that the generator project is moving along.  They hooked up the municipal building but not the Bakery building; a timetable will be set up with Pat Royce to shut off the electricity for a period of time.  As a result of this project the Sullivan County Nutrition lost some of their storage space.  They suggested moving the two organs that are in the Community Room so they could put in some cabinet space for paper goods.  They looked at the closet that the Grange uses but that is full.  Dave Edkins believes that the Grange is almost inactive; the Selectboard asked him to check with them to see if the space can be emptied so that Sullivan County Nutrition can use it.  The cruiser is almost entirely lighted and it is functional now; it will go to Unique Signs tomorrow.  On Saturday an officer will work with Keith Weed at the Transfer Station to monitor stickers.  There was an accident with the ambulance over the weekend; an officer took the information at the scene but it does not appear to be a reportable accident.  Dave Edkins said there is a crunch in the front right hand corner of the box, as they apparently caught it on a stump.

Highway Advisory Board:  Bruce Putnam advised that the Highway Advisory Board meets every month.  They are present tonight to discuss the Scott’s Drive project.  It has to do with digging it back up to replace the water line.  Barry Metcalf explained that some work needs to be done before the paving goes down.  They asked if the Selectboard would consider not replacing that pipe as it will save about $4,500 and that money could be used elsewhere.  Dave Edkins explained that this project involves FEMA money so if it is not done they just deduct the money as they pay based on invoices.  Dave Duquette said FEMA approved this project according to the contract.  They want to be sure it is done properly to avoid problems with frost.  Tom Minickiello explained that they did not understand that the funding would go back to FEMA if not used for this project.  Jon LeClair feels that the pipe that was exposed should be replaced and be sure that everything is insulated well.  There was discussion relative to talking to Norm Beaudry about shortening the length of pipe to be replaced to include only the pipe that was exposed.  Dave Duquette will talk to Norm Beaudry and Dave Edkins will talk to Brenda Ferland.

Swan Common:  Mrs. Kasprzak had previously talked to Brenda Ferland about planting some more trees on Swan Common and asked for input from the Selectboard.  One Norway maple was previously planted.  If there are some more trees it might slow down the younger drivers.  If the neighbors got interested they would also like to paint the flagpole and plant some flowers.  Steve Neill felt as long as the tree placement met Keith Weed’s approval it would be okay to plant more trees and flowers.  Dave Edkins will pass on the information received on the disease resistant elm trees; it is a matching grant program.   

Flowers:  Tom Minickiello noted that people have been picking arm fulls of the wild flowers from the beautification area by the gun shop and American Legion.  He was upset and called the Police Department but there is a question as to who owns the plants.  Dave Edkins felt the State Department of Transportation in Swanzey should be notified about this.                        

There were no Selectboard comments made at this meeting.

There was no Old Business to come before this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Police Department – Gateway Motors $1,240.00; 2) Sewer Department – R.J. Johnson for the broom repairs $830.00.  Steve Neill suggested that the Highway Department should be responsible for a portion of this bill as this is their equipment even though the Sewer Department was using it at the time.  Keith Weed and Dave Duquette will discuss it.

Warrants:  The Selectboard approved the following:  1) Warrant for Yield Tax $395.49; 2) Warrant for Property Taxes $2,987,641.00; and 3) a Timber Yield Tax Levy for Allen Nutting because of a correction.  

Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:  The Selectboard approved a Notice of Intent to Cut Timber on the Borough Road.  

Veteran’s Exemption:  The Selectboard approved a Veteran’s Exemption for Property Tax in the amount of $250.00.

Alcohol Permit:  The Selectboard approved an application for the Use of Alcohol in Patch Park for Christine Richardson.  On future applications Steve Neill would like to have an applicant’s address and phone number included.  Chief Smith already asked Alice to add this to the form.

Abatements:  The Selectboard approved the following Abatements:  1) Matthew Marrazzo - administrative error $4,469.48; and 2) Robert Perry - administrative error $1,505.95.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses, or Resolutions to come before this meeting.

There was no new correspondence at this meeting.

Street Light:  Dave Edkins had a request to turn-off a street light on Coolidge Street.  Steve Neill recommended that Dave Edkins contact the other abutters to get their opinions.

Bakery Building Air Conditioning:  Dave Edkins is waiting for an additional proposal that should be coming in soon.      

Property Taxes:  Dave Edkins reported that back in April the Selectboard granted several extensions for delinquent property taxes.  Two of them have not kept their agreements but all other have satisfied their debt or are keeping their agreements.  The Selectboard agreed to have Deb Clark re-institute the Tax Deed process for the two delinquent property owners.

Projects:  Dave Edkins and Keith Weed met last Wednesday with Erin Darrow, an engineer, and Christine Bowman of the Wetlands Bureau looking at all of the various projects.  Keith Weed would like to do Hackett Swamp Road and the Old Cheshire Turnpike as a part of his regular operations.  The other three sites involved repairs done under Emergency Authorizations due to flooding and now need full permit applications.  Christine Bowman will relax some of the requirements for the permits.  Ms. Darrow has submitted a new proposal; two projects went down in cost but one went up a little.  Mr. Edkins is continuing negotiations on this matter.   

Next Meeting:  The next meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 19th, will begin at 6:30 pm to do a mid-year review with the Finance Committee.

The Selectboard agreed to skip over Committee Reports as there have not yet been any meetings this month.         


Steve Neill moved to enter into a Non-public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel, (b) Hiring, and (c) Reputations.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and on a roll call vote with all in favor the motion carried.  The time was 7:52 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill                 Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the July 19th, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)